The Weekly Formidable is Family Show: November 12th. How to match the workout my mind wants with the one my body needs.

Pink and Violet Pastel Sweets Venn Diagram1
This weeks quickcast is about understanding what our ideal workout is and how to find it. Every time we go into the gym we are looking for and needing two different workouts.

There is the workout my mind wants, and the workout my body needs.

These two don’t always overlap and when they don’t it can cause problems in the short and long term. Ultimately leading us to give up on our fitness habit for one reason or the other.

Look at the Venn diagram above. If we spend too much time in either circle we are going to end up stopping our fitness habit. 

Too much time in only circle A and we won’t see the results we want or we’ll get hurt and be in too much pain to continue long enough to see results we want. Either way, we most likely stop our fitness habit here.

Too much time in circle B and we’ll get bored with our fitness routine and won’t stick with it. Which means we won’t get the results we want and will stop our fitness habit.

When we can spend more workouts right in the middle, where we are getting both our mental AND physical needs met, that’s when the magic happens and we start the journey towards long term health and building lifelong habits!

Not sure how to get there? Asking a coach you trust is a good place to start!

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